AVON Valley Concerts will be welcoming back the Maggini Quartet to Ringwood tomorrow night for a delightful concert of chamber music in the Trinity Centre.

The programme features Haydn's String Quartet No 4 in D, Sun', Beethoven's Fugue in D for string quintet, opus 137 and Vaughan Williams' string quartet No 1 in G minor and tickets are available from the venue, Greyfriar's Community Centre, Fordingbridge Bookshop and Grants of Ringwood. Formed in 1988, the Maggini Quartet is established as one of the finest British string quartets with a strong commitment to new music, leading to several commissions.

They have embarked on an exciting collaboration with Sir Peter Maxwell Davies to perform and record his 10 new Naxos Quartets and later this month at the Wigmore Hall in London will be performing a new work by composer, Ronald Corp.

Such is the excitement of this event, that the quartet and Ronald Corp will be guests on BBC Radio 3's In Tune on February 28 and have been featured in this month's edition of Gramophone magazine.

The background to the work is the subject of a Hobnob on page 72 of today's Journal and the concert at the Wigmore Hall is on February 29.