MUSIC students from Wiltshire College (Salisbury campus) brought the blues to Year 10 GCSE music students at Downton's Trafalgar School earlier this month.

The second-year national diploma students ran the two-hour music workshop with a brief to highlight the importance of blues music influencing today's music.

Tutor Colin Holton explains: "We did demos from John Lee Hooker to the Sugababes, as well as a few competitions and quizzes. The students were phenomenal." Rob Newman, music technician at the school was equally enthusiastic: "It was a fantastic day, the way the kids at the school connected with the college students. And it was probably one of the best sounds to come out of Downton, with about 50 students performing in a massive funk band - it was almost a funk orchestra," he said.

The Wiltshire College students also presented workshops at Salisbury High School.