HE proudly mused: "I went to the university of life when I went to the Reggie Salberg Repertory Company, aged just 16 and a half."

"The stage was always filled with things from home because I was involved in all things to do with stage management.

"I had two wonderful years there earning just £12 a week and then left to go to Bristol Old Vic Theatre School where, for the first time, I mixed with people my own age."

Born in Oldham in 1948, Biggins's family later moved to Salisbury.

"My Aunty Vi, who is a terrible snob, insisted I had elocution lessons and I went to a private school called St Probus," putting down his love of the stage to two enlightened teachers at the school.

"Mrs Christian, my English mistress saw something in me and together with Mr Lewis, my music teacher, they really encouraged me. I remember playing the Ethel Merman role in Call Me Madam in a school production."

Biggins has a long and varied career in television, film and theatre, with roles ranging from Emperor Nero in the television series, I, Claudius, Lukewarm in the BBC series of Porridge to Baron Bomburst in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang at the London Palladium.

His love affair with pantomime began in 1965 when he played a rat in Dick Whittington at Salisbury Playhouse. "I have been doing panto for 38 years and it will be lovely to be back in Southampton. My parents live in Salisbury and I was last here with Cannon and Ball as Nurse Tickle in Babes in the Wood in 1989."

Though often cast as a dame, Biggins will play Buttons in the Mayflower's new show, a role he loves, though he gives an amusing reason why he cannot play one of the ugly sisters: "Well, it's because I am far too beautiful."

Unusually for many actors, he retains his real name for the stage: "I love the fact that I am called Biggins. I love it when I am in a car and lorry drivers look in and say, Hello Biggins' - it is fantastic."

Somehow when Christopher Biggins uses the word fantastic, which he does frequently, you can't help feeling it is genuine and I am sure that that is exactly what Cinderella, The Musical Pantomime will be with this ebullient personality in the starring role.