A WATERCOLOUR painting by local artist Lynda Appleby has been selected for the annual exhibition of the Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolour.

Appleby’s painting was chosen from more than 800 entries and will appear alongside paintings by some of Britain’s leading watercolour painters.

Her work, Midday, Sixth Avenue, New York, pictured, was inspired by a recent trip to the USA.

She said: “New York was a city of visual contrast. I was inspired by the light filtering down between tall buildings, by the long avenues and the juxtaposition of vibrant yellow taxis against a backdrop of different tones of grey architecture.

“My visit inspired a series of new paintings and I am absolutely thrilled that one of them has been selected by the Royal Institute this year.”

The Royal Institute annual exhibition will be held at the Mall Galleries near Trafalgar Square, London, between April 5 and 18.