YOUNG people will be rehearsing and performing a production of Godspell during the Easter holidays.

The POW theatre company is giving 10 to 18 year olds the chance to experience the fun of being part of a musical theatre production while building confidence.

The not-for-profit theatre company is run by Liam Howlett and Michael Patterson, who grew up in Salisbury.

As a member of CentreStage in Salisbury and a keen performer at school, Patterson enjoyed Godspell from an early age.

“Coming back to Salisbury to do Godspell at Easter with the young talent in the city is going to be very special for me,”

he said.

“We hope that families from all beliefs can join together and enjoy the show as part of their Easter celebrations.”

The production will be learned, rehearsed and staged in just one week from March 23 to 30.

It will be performed at the Blackledge Theatre at Godolphin School.

For more information and tickets visit