AN evening Memory Café has been launched in Salisbury to help people with Alzheimer’s Disease and their families.

The first evening café, which is funded by Wiltshire Council, took place at the White Hart Hotel on Monday and will continue to take place there once a month.

Each event will have a question and answer session, a talk by medical experts and the opportunity to socialise and make new friends.

Staff from the Alzheimer’s Society will also be available to explain how the charity can make a difference to someone diagnosed with dementia and their family.

“We are hoping that by having it in the evening we’ll be reaching a whole new group of people who could benefit from our services,” said dementia support manager, Julia Burton.

“It could be that people with early stages of dementia are working and can’t come to us in the week.

“We hope this will make it easier for families and carers to come along too.”

Guests at the launch event included Martin Plimsoll, who walked 50 miles to raise money for the charity, and Jeremy and Nikki Hayes, who walked 192 miles, to raise a total of £3,198 for the charity.