SALISBURY MP John Glen says he has been “done up like a kipper” by a TV journalist.

Mr Glen was featured in a Channel 4 News item last night that focused on Salisbury to illustrate the growing problems of the working poor.

As reported by the Journal earlier this year, the Trussell Trust has reported that more and more people who are employed are relying on charity foodbanks because of rises in the cost of living.

Mr Glen gave a 20-minute interview on the subject but by the time it was broadcast, he says, it had been edited to two 30-second soundbites giving the impression he blamed people for making poor decision about how they spend their money.

The broadcast has sparked a furious debate on Twitter this morning.

The MP recently spent a day working alongside volunteers from the Trussell Trust, which operates the city’s foodbank, and the charity has said how much it appreciates his support.

He has protested to the news bulletin’s director.

* For an in-depth report see the February 24 edition of the Salisbury Journal.