A SECOND application for permission to build a policing hub at High Post has been refused.

It was reported in January that two main choices have been identified as potential sites to build a new police station for Salisbury, with the Old Sarum site being the preferred option for PCC Philip Wilkinson.

Wiltshire Council turned down the application on Wednesday, February 7, for 14 different reasons.

Hibberd Development proposed to erect four buildings located directly adjacent to Highpost Business Park, with employment space for Nationwide Engineering, Apsley Precision Engineering.

Four acres in the centre of the site would have been allocated to building a Southern Policing Hub for Wiltshire.

Salisbury Journal: The site next to the High Post Business Park where a new Southern Policing Hub is planned.

Proposed road crossing facilities to and from the bus stop at the A345 crossroad were deemed unsafe by the council.

"Without a viable and safe pedestrian connection to local bus stops on both sides of the main A345 road, the development which is in isolation from any supporting infrastructure or housing is considered unsafe and unsustainable," said Wiltshire Council's corporate director Parvis Khansari.

The application made insubstantial considerations for local safety concerns as the Road Safety Audit was undertaken from 10.15am until 11.15am on November 22, 2021, which is outside the typical traffic peak hours.

No adequate evidence of parking demand and availability of large vehicle access were submitted.

Salisbury Journal: The entrance to High Post Business Park, A345.The entrance to High Post Business Park, A345. (Image: Google Maps)

The proposed site would have an adverse impact on the landscape and harm the setting of Old Sarum, Stratford sub Castle conservation area and the setting of Stonehenge which are Designated Heritage Assets.

It also has archaeological interest with widespread evidence for prehistoric and Roman remains in the area.

Mr Hibberd's proposal would have involved removing preserved trees and the Mr Khansari said there is "no justification" for the loss of them which would be "harmful to the visual amenity of the area and its enjoyment by the public".

Insufficient information about the site's impact on bats and breeding birds was presented in the application.

The first application was refused in June, 2023, on the grounds that the development would negatively affect the landscape.

A spokesperson from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner said: “We are aware of the decision by Wiltshire Council. As has been made clear, High Post was one of several options being progressed to support a location for a Southern Policing Hub.

"The Police and Crime Commissioner has committed to ensuring the south of the county is well served by Wiltshire Police and a dedicated policing hub remains integral to that commitment. We continue to review all possible options to support the delivery of this.”

To view the application and decision notice in full visit development.wiltshire.gov.uk/pr/s/planning-application/a0i3z00001BML1oAAH/pl202307223?tabset-8903c=2.