CONSERVATIVE election candidate John Glen received a pre-election boost after a survey by a political website found him to be the fourth 'most responsive' MP in the country.

The sitting MP responded to 95 per cent emails — for the second year running — within a two week timeframe through the website

Although a slight drop in the league table from second last year, he still outperforms his peers, with the average amongst the 635 MPs included in the survey only 54 per cent.

Mr Glen said: "I am very pleased to be the only MP maintain a position in the top five — which shows consistency.

"I always do my best to respond to letters and emails as quickly as I can."

Myfanwy Nixon from WriteToThem, praised Mr Glen for his responsiveness and said that the issue could "make up the minds of many voters".

He said: "It’s really great to see an MP place so much importance on responding to constituents, against a wider picture of responsiveness getting worse across the UK.

“We know that representatives have many duties, but listening to the concerns of their constituents should be key."